About Us

We are Tomoka Christian Church. Our purpose is to advance the kingdom of God and make it harder for the next generation to go to hell. We are a non-denominational church, not a religious establishment. We are a hospital for the broken, striving to serve our local community and communities in need across the globe.

“Our vision as a part of the body of Christ is to change the generation that we live in. We need to do everything in our power to help people find Jesus so that they are prepared for eternity.” – Pastor Joe

The heartbeat of our church is missions because God has a great desire and passion for all to be saved. All men, all women, and all children, in all nations. Through the grace of God and a commitment to give, Tomoka has helped launch hundreds of churches and funded orphanages, medical clinics, and food pantries all over the world. Your gifts to missions help in endless ways for Tomoka to share the love of Jesus and change the lives of thousands of people worldwide.

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…” – Matthew 28:19-20